Newborn Photoshoots and Why and When You Should Do One

They stay tiny for such a short period of time - I can remember being sad that my boys were growing so quickly - no longer the tiny, helpless and bendy lil things they were when they were born.

And because that time is so short, it’s essential to capture some beautiful images that help you to treasure those times, especially for when your little angels are suddenly terrible toddlers rampaging around the house.

I often tell parents to really value these times because actually this is an easy time compared to what’s coming ;-). Feed, sleep, wee and poop - and that’s it. No tantrums, no arguments and no worries about where they are and what they’re up to…

So here are a few frequently asked questions to help you make the decision as to if you should and when you should, and what you should ask your photographer:

Q. Will my baby be safe?

A. The safety and well-being of your baby is my first concern. The room is kept warm and cosy, you always stay close to your little one and we go at her pace. If she needs to feed, she can; if she needs a cuddle from Mama she gets one; we never EVER rush things.

Q. At what age should we bring our baby in?

A. I suggest between 6 to 14 days. The younger they are the sleepier they are, and they are less likely to kick out and easier to wrap and pose. Of course I’m happier to do older babies but they might not sleep and they’re going to be more reactive to noise and a different environment.

Q. What if he doesn’t sleep?

A. Then we’ll get some lovely images with his beautiful eyes open. But we have ways of soothing a baby to sleep. Bring in your car seat. Most babies zonk as soon as they get in their car seat, bring a favourite blanket and a soother/dummy if you have one. Formula milk is a really good way of getting a baby to sleep if you are already doing both. It’s richer than breast milk and tends to make a baby sleepier.

Q. How should I prepare?

A. Well here’s a little guide I’ve prepared for you. Feel free to right click and download.


When we love ourselves EVERYTHING CHANGES...